Friday, March 27, 2015

Transformation Through Trouble

We know that it is the Nature of Creation to evolve. And we also know that the Universe uses chaos, disintegration, falling apart, stirring up, breaking down, explosions - all sorts of things that could look messy - as vehicles of that evolution. 

And we also know that within all of that chaos, there is already a potentiality for expansion and evolution. And we know that we are part of the Nature of the Universe; yet, within our own chaos (or falling apart, stirring up, or breaking down) we seem to forget there is a potentiality for our own expansion and evolution.

How many of us consciously look forward to ourchallenges or troubles embracing them as tools of transformation? How many of us just want to have a challenge-free life? How many of us get so involved in the chaos and drama, we forget to evolve, grow, and transform?

We always have options. We can get angry, complain, and resist what's going on. This will not help us evolve and transform. Or we can be open, neutral, count our blessings, put God first, not judge by appearance, be excited about the transformation that is bound to follow the experience, look for the possibility and blessing, continue moving forward, and not allow our troubles to identify us. Which will you choose?  

And yes, 
it is okay to get angry and feel your feelings when challenges and troubles come up. Just don't build a condo there, okay?

Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
Our trouble is not derived from Life Itself, but from the use we have made of It.  Life exists in Its fullness at the center of our being.  If it were never blocked, It would always flow through us as life, love, harmony, happiness and success 
        ~ This Thing Called Life

Janet Kingsley is the founder of Center for Positive Living Sedona, where she feeds the spirit, intrigues the mind, and opens the heart with her clear and relevant messages.  She has been opening hearts and minds to infinite possibilities since 1998.

Learn more about Janet at


Friday, March 13, 2015

Tuning In to Your Call

The human spirit can be an amazing thing and this month I'm writing about recognizing our spirit and transforming our mind, our heart, and our lives with the theme: 28 Days of Transformation. I love the quote in Romans 12:2: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." In other words, don't take the easy way and judge everything by appearance or what others believe, but be transformed by expansive thinking, feeling, being, and doing.

What are you called to do? Some of us might be uncomfortable with this question because either we don't know what we are called to do, or we think there has to be some huge, enormous, gigantic thing we are supposed to do and it may scare us or we may think we aren't up to the task.  

If we are tuning in to our inner genius and really listening to what our heart and our spirit is urging us to do, we may find we are being called to "be present with others," or "use our compassion to help give others hope." When we listen and respond to our call with love and an open spirit, it is great and meaningful.

This week, tune in and listen to Love's divine urge.

Here's what Rumi wrote: "Feel yourself being quietly drawn by the deeper pull of what you truly love." Now, that's your call.

Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
Man's word is creative, not because he wills or wishes it, but because this is the nature of his being. Our impulse to create comes from the original creative Spirit which is in, around and through us. The urge to live creatively comes from the urge of the Divine Imagination which pushes Itself out through us into self-expression. This is man's nature. He neither made it nor can he change it. He is compelled to live under its law. 

      ~ Words That Heal Today

Janet Kingsley is the founder and spiritual director at Center for Positive Living Sedona. She also teaches people how to stop settling and start soaring and experience the magic of their dreams again.

Friday, March 6, 2015

It's About Transformation

Since you are on my email list, you've noticed I've been sending out a daily email: 28 Days of Transformation. The coming of Spring is a wonderful time to tune into the change that is taking place all around us in nature. I see blossoms and blooms everywhere and am reminded that nature unfolds and transforms effortlessly and without any help.

Sometimes, however, we need a little help on our
journey of transformation. Matthew Fox said, "In order to pick up anything new, we must let go of what we are holding." So, we need to do some letting go and clearing away of old ideas, old patterns, and old beliefs. What needs to dissolve in your life?

What if it was our destiny to realize "who we are" and then step forward and claim it and live it? What might we need to let go that is standing in our way to claiming our inherent divinity?  Take some time this week to let go and de-clutter; not only ideas, but your closet, your desk, or anything else that is getting in the way of living fully and fully living! 

And maybe you can start by downsizing and clearing out your closet. Let's make room for the new!

Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
We do not change all of the patterns . . . in a moment.  Rather, it takes place little by little, until gradually the old . . . patterns become transformed into new ones by some inner alchemy of the mind, the operation of which we do not see but the manifestation of which we do experience       ~ 365 Science of Mind

Janet Kingsley, founder and spiritual leader of Center for Positive Living Sedona has been opening hearts and minds to infinite possibilities since 1998. Through articles, classes, and coaching she opens the heart, intrigues the mind, and feeds the spirit.

Find out more at