Sunday, May 22, 2016

Change is the Name of the Game

Most of us seem to resist change, especially if it isn't our idea. But even when change is our idea, we don't always embrace it right away. Maybe we begin to move forward in the changed direction, but we often hit detours or lose our way and find ourselves right back where we started. And while we are in the midst of change, it can feel like we are living through the uncomfortable in-between times of life. You know those times when we are not quite sure of our footing; not wanting to completely let go of where we've been, but not quite embracing where we're going either. 

Of course any change we want to create on the outside must first come from a change on the inside. And we each need to change our minds about something. We want to evolve and become better, bolder, happier, or healthier. Maybe we want to be more successful, more talented, more generous, or more prosperous. 

Instead of resisting change, we can embrace the idea that we are always ready to change our mind and grow in awareness of the Truth of who we are, grow in awareness that who we are is the Divine in action, grow in awareness that we are meant for good and more good, grow in awareness that we are magnificent and awesome, and grow in awareness that as we change our thinking, we are opening our hearts and minds to our infinite possibilities. 

And guess what? Change looks really good on you!           

Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
There are going to be changes in our lives from hour to hour and day to day, and we cannot escape them. It is the nature of the Universe. Let us accept change, make the most of it, and capitalize on it. Life can become a glorious adventure, increasingly filled with more of every good thing as we gradually or suddenly come to change our pattern of thinking so that it embraces more of those good things.                ~ Practical Application of the Science of Mind

About Janet
Janet Kingsley, founder and spiritual leader of Center for Positive Living Sedona has been opening hearts and minds to infinite possibilities since 1998. Through articles, classes, and coaching she opens the heart, intrigues the mind, and feeds the spirit.

Janet is also a "Possibility Coach" who can see beyond your doubts and fears and ask the right questions so you can dive deep into your soul. She is also a master energy healer. Focusing on helping people love their body, love themselves, and love their life, she is creating a movement and changing the person at a time.

Find out more at

Friday, May 20, 2016

Up, Up, and Away

Two men were walking in a field when a bull charged them. One man scampered up a tree while the other stood defiantly in the bull's path. "Get up here, you idiot!" called the man in the branches. "The Lord will protect me!" retorted the other man. "No! Get up here, you idiot!" the other screamed again just at the very moment the bull butted the man on the ground, tossing him like a rag doll into the air and the trotted off triumphantly. The friend scampered down from the tree to help his bruised friend. "I thought for sure the Lord would help me!" complained the injured man. "He tried," answered his friend. "Didn't you hear Him calling you from the tree?"

What is calling us? How are we being urged, perhaps again and again, to take that step, make that connection, move out of our comfort zone, try something new, dare to risk, or just simply show up and share our gifts and talents in new ways? And maybe we can hear that call or that urge, but we stand in place defiantly with our excuses as armor, thinking those excuses will save us.

And some of us refuse to take any new action until our current situation either gets so painful or something radical happens that forces us to move. And in those situations we don't find ourselves in the UP position, which I'm defining U.P. as 'Understanding Principle.'

When we 'Understand Principle,' (and I mean really 'Understand Principle), then we can soar into our highest purpose, our most amazing self, and move away from our old and limiting beliefs. What have you wanted to do or start that you've been putting off? It's time to move UP and live it UP and not get stuck in the quicksand of excuses. Up, up, and away!

Would you like to fly in a beautiful balloon of possibilities, joy, opulence, abundance, enthusiasm, health, vitality, and opportunities? Yeah, I thought so!

Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
Every person is the cause of their own experience, whether they know it or not. We are all carrying the negative experiences of our past into the future merely because we have not disconnected them from our minds. If we are creating a negative future it is because we have not changed our thought about it.

            ~ Living the Science of Mind

About Janet
Janet Kingsley, founder and spiritual leader of Center for Positive Living Sedona has been opening hearts and minds to infinite possibilities since 1998. Through articles, classes, and coaching she opens the heart, intrigues the mind, and feeds the spirit.

Janet is also a "Possibility Coach" who can see beyond your doubts and fears and ask the right questions so you can dive deep into your soul. She is also a master energy healer. Focusing on helping people love their body, love themselves, and love their life, she is creating a movement and changing the person at a time.

Find out more at

Friday, May 13, 2016

What If

When I first started to do some coaching back in 1998, I attracted a lot of clients who wanted to 'know what their purpose was' and 18 years later, I still attract those seeking to know what their purpose is. Could that be because I have been asking myself that same question for as long as I can remember?
And here's what I've found out.....

Our purpose is what we say it is. What if all of this hunting and searching for our purpose, our passion, finding the meaning of life, or why we are here is really just our own ploy to not step into our power and passion because we are afraid to make a bold statement and declare who we really are? Because chances are that all the time we are searching for our purpose, our life is on hold.

There is only One and we are it! There isn't some Being up in the sky somewhere who determines what we are supposed to be doing. We know ourselves better than anyone. But we have doubts and beliefs that get in the way and we have that ever-present Monkey Mind that doesn't want us to start until we have all the answers. We get to make up the answers....and the questions. We are so busy asking, "What is my purpose?" that we forget to ask "Why am I not doing what makes my heart sing?" or "What limiting beliefs are blocking me from taking inspired action?"

What if it was as simple as what Joseph Campbell said and we simply need to  follow our bliss? What if our purpose was to simply be who we are without comparing? What if.....?

What if you stop searching and start living? What if you awaken to the Truth of Who You Are and start living as though you are the Divine in Action? What if by simply being yourself you are changing the world?

Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
Enthusiasm is a complete assurance and confidence that there is a Power within us greater than we are that we may use. It should be our purpose to awaken this joy in us again and enter into the game of living; not sitting on the sidelines as though we were isolated, but on the field ourselves. It is God's enthusiasm and becomes ours on acceptance.             ~ The Power of an Idea

About Janet
Janet Kingsley, founder and spiritual leader of Center for Positive Living Sedona has been opening hearts and minds to infinite possibilities since 1998. Through articles, classes, and coaching she opens the heart, intrigues the mind, and feeds the spirit.

Janet is also a "Possibility Coach" who can see beyond your doubts and fears and ask the right questions so you can dive deep into your soul. She is also a master energy healer. Focusing on helping people love their body, love themselves, and love their life, she is creating a movement and changing the person at a time.

Find out more at