Friday, April 24, 2015

The Value of the Journey

It's easy to forget who we really are. And who are we? We are the Divine in expression; we are the perfect activity of God. We might think we are the roles we play or we might think our value comes from all the stuff we have. And when we think that, then it's easy to judge by appearance, to fear the unknown, to play it safe, to make excuses, or to settle and tolerate. 

I'm facilitating a correspondence course with aprisoner and in a recent lesson, the inmate was asked to think about the masks we wear. And when I received his self-work back in the mail this week, he wrote that when he can look beyond the appearance of someone else's mask, he's able to see their possibilities. And when he can see their possibilities, he's able to see his own possibilities as well.  How awesome and powerful is that?

What can we see the possibilities in today? What little thing can we do today to help us value this journey? Can we realize how incredible we are? Yes, Life flows up from within each and every one of us and when we discover that, we also discover the value of our journey.

The discovery is the realization that those little things - the smile, the conversation, the shared meal, the heartfelt prayer, the time spent with spiritual community, the first bloom of the daffodil, the subtle opportunity, the long-distance phone call, the ability to see, to hear, or to walk - that enrich our journey.

Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
The Spirit of God is an undivided and indivisible Wholeness.  It fills all time with Its presence and permeates space with the activity of Its thought.  Your endeavor, then, is not so much to find God as it is to realize God's Presence and to understand that this Presence is always with you.  Nothing can be nearer to you than that which is the very essence of your being.  Your outward search for God culminates in the greatest of all possible discoveries - finding God at the center of your own being.  Life flows up from within you.
      ~ Thoughts are Things

Janet Kingsley, founder and spiritual leader of Center for Positive Living Sedona has been opening hearts and minds to infinite possibilities since 1998. Through articles, classes, and coaching she opens the heart, intrigues the mind, and feeds the spirit.

Find out more at

Friday, April 17, 2015

A 24-Hour Spiritual Journey

The gifts and talents we like about ourselves and accept about ourselves are easy to for us to see. Maybe we're artistic, or kind, or musical, or we have rhythm, or we're coordinated, or we're patient, or we're smart. But what about our other gifts? You know, those gifts we may have buried because we thought they were flaws. Maybe we think we're too introverted, or too extroverted, or too loud, or our laugh is too funny, or we don't plan, or we're too rigid, or we're too spontaneous, or we're too sensitive, or we're not loving enough, not kind enough, not patient enough, or we're not talented, or not creative.

What if some of our most precious gifts come from the part we have buried or hidden? It's time for us to love, accept, and appreciate our total self. It's time to uproot some of the misconceptions we have about ourselves. It's time for us to engage in self-love. 

So, for the next 24 hours, join me in a spiritualjourney where we cast out self-criticism and replace it with self-love. For the next 24 hours, allow yourself to be your own best friend. For the next 24 hours, live your life as an experiment and believe in yourself, and in your inner genius 100%.

Remember, God has given everything from the beginning; we have all the abundance that it's possible to have. But we must express it and make it real.  Let's expect that everything always works out for us; let's expect that our own unique talents, skills, and gifts are a vital piece of the human puzzle and this thing called life; let's expect that we can overcome any of our limited ideas; and let's expect that we are opening our hearts and minds to our infinite possibilities. 

Remember, many activities in life just take from us, but spirituality and a belief in yourself always gives to us. Booyeah! 

Wisdom from Ernest Holmes

Let us know that the Law of Mind - the Law of God - operates exactly like a mirror: It reflects back to us what we present to It.  Let us learn to rightly use the Power greater than we are, accept It as ever present with us, responding to us, always reacting affirmatively when we do, always casting out the past as we let It, always creating that new future we accept. Let us begin to feel that we are worthy of the best we can envision. Let us get joy out of living and have a sense of happiness about it. Let us learn to trust where we cannot trace, feeling that each day is an adventure down the pathway of love and success.
      ~ The Power of an Idea

Janet Kingsley, founder and spiritual leader of Center for Positive Living Sedona has been opening hearts and minds to infinite possibilities since 1998. Through articles, classes, and coaching she opens the heart, intrigues the mind, and feeds the spirit.

Find out more at

Friday, April 10, 2015

Preparing for the Inner Shift

Last Sunday was Easter and for me it is a time to celebrate the inner spirit - the spirit of overcoming; the ability within each of us to rise up and meeting situations; to learn the things we need to learn (like remembering the Truth of who we are); and to experience a new birth or transformation of consciousness.

We could consider this time as our hero's journey when we confront the unexpected, the unknown, or the scary and yet we still find a way to break through and rise up and overcome. And our journey begins with an entry point. Our entry point is life nudging us to make a shift. 

Sometimes our entry point is a serious diagnosis,which could look like a betrayal by our body; the loss of a relationship, which could look like a betrayal by our spouse, our partner, our child, or our friend; getting fired, which could look like a betrayal by our employer; or some other event that knocks us off our center. And sometimes our entry point is a passing comment that someone makes.

But whatever our entry point to our own hero's journey,  it's about new beginnings and making successful transitions. It's about taking time to pause and reflect on our True Nature. It's about spending some time alone to renew our soul and remember God's power. It's about finding opening up to our infinite possibilities.

Our entry point could lead us on a journey to diminishing our false beliefs. Are you up for it?

Wisdom from Ernest Holmes such degree as we can shift the basis of our imagery, our belief, our emotional and mental reactions to life, we can come to a place, individually, of peace and security and happiness, then gradually as these changes take place there will be a corresponding change in our environment.
      ~ Freedom from Stress

Janet Kingsley, founder and spiritual leader of Center for Positive Living Sedona has been opening hearts and minds to infinite possibilities since 1998. Through articles, classes, and coaching she opens the heart, intrigues the mind, and feeds the spirit.

Find out more at

Friday, April 3, 2015

Commitment to Transformation

I love this quote from Theodore Roosevelt: "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthycause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while DARING GREATLY so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

When we make a commitment to transformation, we are daring greatly. Making a commitment to transformation isn't just about KNOWING, it is about DOING. It isn't about knowing what is standing in the way of getting connected to the Divine Presence, what are we going to do about it? It isn't about knowing what false beliefs we have that have been keeping us stuck and safe, what are we going to do about it? 

It is possible that each and every one of us is being called from deep withing to enter a new way of being; a new way of showing up in this world -to live loud and live large; to make a difference; to boldly, proudly, and daringly bringing our gifts and talents to bear for the betterment of the world. Are you heeding that call?

How are you going to commit to dare greatly and rock your world

Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
Jesus communed with the Divine Presence and definitely used Divine Power.  He plainly taught that we must first become acquainted with the Presence; that if we know God we will not only find an intimate Companion, but we will also discover limitless Power.  He talked of a Presence in man, surrounding him and moving through him.  Because of It man has life, and he should believe in It because It will respond according to that belief.  Here we have cause and effect, action and reaction, prayer and its answer, or affirmation and its result.
      ~ Spiritual Awareness

Janet Kingsley, founder and spiritual leader of Center for Positive Living Sedona has been opening hearts and minds to infinite possibilities since 1998. Through articles, classes, and coaching she opens the heart, intrigues the mind, and feeds the spirit.

Find out more at