It's easy to forget who we really are. And who are we? We are the Divine in expression; we are the perfect activity of God. We might think we are the roles we play or we might think our value comes from all the stuff we have. And when we think that, then it's easy to judge by appearance, to fear the unknown, to play it safe, to make excuses, or to settle and tolerate.
I'm facilitating a correspondence course with a
prisoner and in a recent lesson, the inmate was asked to think about the masks we wear. And when I received his self-work back in the mail this week, he wrote that when he can look beyond the appearance of someone else's mask, he's able to see their possibilities. And when he can see their possibilities, he's able to see his own possibilities as well. How awesome and powerful is that?

The discovery is the realization that those little things - the smile, the conversation, the shared meal, the heartfelt prayer, the time spent with spiritual community, the first bloom of the daffodil, the subtle opportunity, the long-distance phone call, the ability to see, to hear, or to walk - that enrich our journey.
Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
The Spirit of God is an undivided and indivisible Wholeness. It fills all time with Its presence and permeates space with the activity of Its thought. Your endeavor, then, is not so much to find God as it is to realize God's Presence and to understand that this Presence is always with you. Nothing can be nearer to you than that which is the very essence of your being. Your outward search for God culminates in the greatest of all possible discoveries - finding God at the center of your own being. Life flows up from within you.
~ Thoughts are Things
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