The gifts and talents we like about ourselves and accept about ourselves are easy to for us to see. Maybe we're artistic, or kind, or musical, or we have rhythm, or we're coordinated, or we're patient, or we're smart. But what about our other gifts? You know, those gifts we may have buried because we thought they were flaws. Maybe we think we're too introverted, or too extroverted, or too loud, or our laugh is too funny, or we don't plan, or we're too rigid, or we're too spontaneous, or we're too sensitive, or we're not loving enough, not kind enough, not patient enough, or we're not talented, or not creative.
What if some of our most precious gifts come from the part we have buried or hidden? It's time for us to love, accept, and appreciate our total self. It's time to uproot some of the misconceptions we have about ourselves. It's time for us to engage in self-love.
So, for the next 24 hours, join me in a spiritual

Remember, God has given everything from the beginning; we have all the abundance that it's possible to have. But we must express it and make it real. Let's expect that everything always works out for us; let's expect that our own unique talents, skills, and gifts are a vital piece of the human puzzle and this thing called life; let's expect that we can overcome any of our limited ideas; and let's expect that we are opening our hearts and minds to our infinite possibilities.
Remember, many activities in life just take from us, but spirituality and a belief in yourself always gives to us. Booyeah!
Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
Let us know that the Law of Mind - the Law of God - operates exactly like a mirror: It reflects back to us what we present to It. Let us learn to rightly use the Power greater than we are, accept It as ever present with us, responding to us, always reacting affirmatively when we do, always casting out the past as we let It, always creating that new future we accept. Let us begin to feel that we are worthy of the best we can envision. Let us get joy out of living and have a sense of happiness about it. Let us learn to trust where we cannot trace, feeling that each day is an adventure down the pathway of love and success.
Let us know that the Law of Mind - the Law of God - operates exactly like a mirror: It reflects back to us what we present to It. Let us learn to rightly use the Power greater than we are, accept It as ever present with us, responding to us, always reacting affirmatively when we do, always casting out the past as we let It, always creating that new future we accept. Let us begin to feel that we are worthy of the best we can envision. Let us get joy out of living and have a sense of happiness about it. Let us learn to trust where we cannot trace, feeling that each day is an adventure down the pathway of love and success.
~ The Power of an Idea
Janet Kingsley, founder and spiritual leader of Center for Positive Living Sedona has been opening hearts and minds to infinite possibilities since 1998. Through articles, classes, and coaching she opens the heart, intrigues the mind, and feeds the spirit.
Find out more at
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