Thursday, December 15, 2016

Leaning into our Mistakes

Does how we approach our mistakes or failures determine our future success?

Sometimes when we’ve failed at something or made a mistake, we’d like a ‘do-over’ and make some corrections and start again. Other times, we don’t even want to acknowledge our mistake; maybe because it brings up shame or guilt. In those cases, we either try to blame someone else or we try and avoid thinking about it or even pretend it never happened.

When we [mistakenly] believe that mistakes and failures are shameful and need to be avoided at all costs, we aren’t open to learning from them. Instead, we are likely to confuse ‘making a mistake’ with ‘being a mistake.’  

"Failure does not mean the loss of something. Failure occurs only if the loss of that thing takes our enthusiasm, our courage, our zest for life, our faith, our conviction, and our happiness from us." ~Ernest Holmes

We must not let any past mistakes or failures stop us from pursuing our goals and dreams!

Is our self-confidence and belief in ourselves so delicate that it shatters in the

face of having made a mistake? Mistakes are the primary opportunity to learn and grow. There is probably no invention that was perfect the first time.

If we are learning to play baseball, do we expect to hit a ‘home run’ the first time at bat? And if we strike out, do we run into the dugout and refuse to pick up the bat again? Of course not. But we expect to be perfect in business and in our lives.

It’s time re-think our ideas about what a mistake is. The word itself spells it out: it is a mis-take. Just do ‘take 2’ and ‘take 3’ and ‘take 4’ – like in the movies. Assess what went well and what small adjustment needs to be made. Any mistakes or failures have no bearing on who we are or what our value is.

The fact that we are making mistakes is proof that we are making progress and moving forward.

I have spoken to a number of clients who have tried something once. labeled the results as a failure, and refused to try anything similar again. On top of that, many blamed and criticized themselves and were convinced their ideas and choices in the future couldn't be trusted. Their self-confidence was shattered, their dreams seemed unattainable, and their momentum came to a standstill. All because of one failure. And according to the quote from Ernest Holmes above, that standstill is the failure; not the failure itself.
In what areas are you afraid to move forward and try again? What mistakes have you made in the past that you are still holding yourself hostage for?
  • Your children are in jail or are addicts
  • You filed for bankruptcy
  • Your house went into foreclosure
  • You broke your promise
  • The business you started failed
  • You got fired from your job
Instead of hiding and feeling ashamed, guilty, resentful, or frustrated, use these mistakes as fuel for self-understanding and reflection. Learn from them. Make tweaks and try again.

If you’d like help in tweaking some of your ideas that didn’t work out in the past or to express your big desires and moving into your own genius, click here for a free Breakthough Session

CALL TO ACTION: In the next 24 – 48 hours (Reflect or journal)
  • Think about a mistake (or two) you made in the past and ask yourself these questions:
    • Did I have the right goal? Was I trying to solve the right problem?
    • Do I have new information now that would have been useful or helpful then?
    • What would I do differently this time?
    • Was I acting out of a need to please someone else?
    • Can I accept responsibility and move on?
    • What did I learn about myself?
It’s time to say ‘yes’ to you!

Would you like to get crystal clear on what you want to embrace in your life and describe the kind of lifestyle you want to create? Would you like support in discovering how you can use your special gifts and talents to make a difference? Would you like to uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging you? Let’s have a Breakthrough session and we'll finish the call with you feeling renewed, re-energized, and inspired to start your Best Life EVER!

I'm excited to hear the dream in your heart! Let's talk!

Until next time
Have some fun, stay aware, and rock on!

Janet Kingsley

About Janet
Janet Kingsley helps people believe in their own potential and transform their dreams into fulfilling, inspired, and prosperous realities.

She serves business owners and helps them make a bigger impact by reconnecting with their vision and passion and double, triple, or 10X their business without selling their soul or losing their mind.

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