New Thought has been called the 'feel good' religion. We talk a lot about moving through life with 'grace and ease.' We want to manifest our dreams and desires 'easily and effortlessly.' We look for signs. We ask our guides. We are told if something 'feels good' than it is probably a 'yes' and if it doesn't feel good it is probably a 'no.' And so our life becomes about doing what 'feels good.'
I think we need to move beyond that mindset.
I think we need to move beyond that mindset.
If we
want to create something new in our life, we may have to be dedicated and disciplined to think new thoughts and create new patterns of behavior. These new thoughts and new behaviors may bring us to the very edge of our comfort zone and take us on a path of the unknown which will very likely not feel good. In fact, 'feeling good' may help us cover up those ideas that will lead to growth and transformation.

So, doing what makes us feel good may not be the answer. Relying on the Divine instead of relying on what we can see doesn't always feel good; in fact, it feels scary. I gave very personal talks all month at CPL Sedona and it didn't really feel good; it felt self-centered, egotistical, and vulnerable. Taking that step into the limelight or having the courage to disagree yet speak our truth is very uncomfortable and doesn't feel good.
So, if you buy into the idea that you only want to do things that make you feel good, you'll likely never grow, never dream, and never get to experience what it might look like to actually open your heart and mind to your infinite possibilities.
Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
Developing confidence in ourselves, in our ability to meet and handle all undesirable situations, requires that we must have confidence in that Something which is greater than we are. Then we will have spiritual self-reliance.
When this is done the lesser must always submit to the greater. Weakness will give way to strength, despair will turn to hope, hate will become love, failure will become success, and sickness will dissolve into health.
The action that takes place is not one of despotic or overruling harshness, but one that moves in harmony, love, beauty, warmth, and order, quietly transforming all that is unlike it.
~The Spiritual Universe and You
About Janet
Janet Kingsley, founder and spiritual leader of Center for Positive Living Sedona has been opening hearts and minds to infinite possibilities since 1998. Through articles, classes, and coaching she opens the heart, intrigues the mind, and feeds the spirit.
Janet is also a "Possibility Coach" who can see beyond your doubts and fears and ask the right questions so you can dive deep into your soul. She is also a master energy healer. Focusing on helping people love their body, love themselves, and love their life, she is creating a movement and changing the person at a time.
Find out more at
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