There is within each one of us an impulse to be our 'real self' and to express the Divine in our own brilliant way, but we've gotten off the path somehow. We've followed someone else's idea of who we are and what we should be doing and maybe we're going in circles trying to find our way home.
We may get distracted by self-doubt, by wanting to
know the outcome even before we start, by choosing comfort over growth, by not claiming our power, and by not owning up to our Truth that we are the Divine in action. We wait for the perfect time to begin and while we are waiting, the world is being robbed of a most valuable asset: us. We have come here to make a difference but we can't make that difference if we hide out.

Do we stand behind the walls of comfort and safety? Do we water down our truth in order to fit in or to be accepted? What gifts have we kept buried? How are we hiding our passion, our courage, our boldness? Where do we play it safe, not take a risk, not dare to stand up or stand out.
It's time to unleash the 'real you.' The 'real you' is wonderful and marvelous. The 'real you' is courageous and bold. The 'real you' is caring and compassionate. And the 'real you' might be cranky and ornery. And the 'real you' might be needy and whiny. And it is all the wonderful tapestry of our life. Are we open to loving ourselves anyway? What a great holiday gift that would be!
Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
There is an inner urge in our own minds to grow, to expand, to break down the barriers of previous limitations, and to ever widen our experience. This persistent urge is a Divine influence, and irresistible force, and constitutes the greatest impulse in human experience. Mostly misinterpreted and misunderstood, is still the urge back of all accomplishment, the promise of all fulfillment. ~Living Without Fear
About Janet
Janet Kingsley, founder and spiritual leader of Center for Positive Living Sedona has been opening hearts and minds to infinite possibilities since 1998. Through articles, classes, and coaching she opens the heart, intrigues the mind, and feeds the spirit.
Janet is also a "Possibility Coach" who can see beyond your doubts and fears and ask the right questions so you can dive deep into your soul. She is also a master energy healer. Focusing on helping people love their body, love themselves, and love their life, she is creating a movement and changing the person at a time.
Find out more at
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