We all have many roles: husband, wife, mother, father, sister, brother, friend, boss, employee, leader, follower, church member, student, teacher, rebel, peacemaker, human being, spiritual being, business owner - and the list goes on and on. These are the various ways we identify ourselves and they generally seem to come with a set of rules so we can assess how well we are doing at any of these given roles. But, who made those rules?
Well, the rules I made up had me firmly planted in a 'good box.' I made up ideas of what a good daughter, a good mother, a good minister, or a good friend looked like. The problem is, there is little room in the 'good box' for feelings that make me uncomfortable.
So what has been the end result of me making up all
of these weird rules? Just take a look at the picture. The result is a lot of emotional bypassing, pretending, and expending a lot of effort to navigate the waters of life. The result is feeling like I've never ever been completely myself. The result is that I feel like I have to hide the aspects of me that live outside the box and outside the rules. The result is that I don't trust my own wisdom.

What rules have you made up for yourself? What roles are you playing? What box have you erected? Where do you feel trapped and not living fully or expressing fully as yourself? How have you not trusted your own wisdom and your own brilliance and looked to someone else? When is it time to start thinking for yourself and trust yourself? Have you been running away from your shadow because it isn't love and light? Where are you pretending and not being authentic?
Here's the one rule: There is only God - and you are it. This is the one rule worthy of keeping on a piece of paper in your back pocket.
Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
All conditions have a sequence of cause and effect as soon as any particular condition exists it may continue to project lesser conditions around it. These secondary causes, however, are projections and never things in themselves.
We become caught in a sequence of these negative conditions. We come to believe in them as positive within themselves and thus are caught in a perpetual trap.
The way to escape from this dilemma is to look through the condition to the primary or First Cause where energy, intelligence or power exists without any limiting circumstances whatsoever.
~Lessons in Spiritual Mind Healing
About Janet
Janet Kingsley, founder and spiritual leader of Center for Positive Living Sedona has been opening hearts and minds to infinite possibilities since 1998. Through articles, classes, and coaching she opens the heart, intrigues the mind, and feeds the spirit.
Janet is also a "Possibility Coach" who can see beyond your doubts and fears and ask the right questions so you can dive deep into your soul. She is also a master energy healer. Focusing on helping people love their body, love themselves, and love their life, she is creating a movement and changing the world...one person at a time.
Find out more at www.janetkingsley.com
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