Many people live their lives letting others make choices for them and then they wonder why they are dissatisfied in life. They may live their whole lives doing something that someone else wanted them to do (and continue to do it) and continuing to do it, even though the person that they wanted to please may have passed away years ago.
When I was growing up, I don't remember my dad asking me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
But I do remember him telling me over and over again what he'd like me to be. It started small: he loved planes and flying so he sent me to Civil Air Patrol, signed me up for ground school and dragged me to the model airport field. That was his dream, and I allowed it to become my dream. He loved riding bicycles so he took me every week to the Encino Velodrome to watch bicycle racers and we rode our bicycles each Sunday to the park to feed the ducks. That was his dream and I allowed it to be my dream. He loved debating and arguing so he told me over and over again to be a lawyer. That was his dream and I allowed it to be my dream.

And when I didn't become a pilot, a cyclist, or a lawyer, I had feelings that I was a disappointment to him. I pushed myself through college in a major that wasn't my dream long, long after my dad passed away, still allowing his dream to be my dream. And then I repeated that same pattern with my husband. Then one day I realized I was living someone else's life.
How might you be living someone else's dream? How have you set goals and desires based on what someone else wants for you? We all want to make a difference, live fulfilling, prosperous, and joyous lives and we can only do that when we are living our life and making our own choices. We need a clear picture of what we want to experience and how we want to feel. Our future is too important to allow others to choose for us. Let's choose our own dreams and goals and live a life we love.
Saying "yes" to your own dream moves you into a whole new world of possibilities.
Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
In the Science of Mind, we learn that persistent, constructive thought is the greatest power known and the most effective. If the visible effect in our lives is not what it should be, if we are unhappy, sick and poverty stricken, we know the remedy. The Truth is always the remedy, and the Truth is that the law of liberty is the only real law. When we reverse the process of thought, the effect will be reversed.
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