Saturday, January 31, 2015

Are You Listening?

Spirit is calling and I'll let you in on a little secret: Spirit never dials a wrong number. In fact, Spirit has your number on speed dial. So, Spirit may be calling, but the big questions is, ARE WE ANSWERING? Or do we let the call go to voicemail and save it for a later time?  Or maybe it goes to voicemail and we don't even bother to pick up our messages.

Here's another question: Who would you be if no onetold you who you were? If we didn't have all of these ideas running around in our head that we believe are true, wouldn't we think we were awesome just the way we are? We each have something so special and unique that is truly ours. And we need to get that out into the world and not hide in comfort, safety, or fear.  When we get out of our heads (listening to the 'Monkey Mind' living there), we can more easily hear the call of Spirit.

Yes, Spirit is calling and it's time we make a decision to open up our minds and our ears to listen and to trust what we hear. It's time we leave the safety of our comfort zones and dare to show up and be great. It's time we live life based on who we are and not on who we thought we were.  Oh yeah!

One ringy dingy, two ringy dingy.

Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
The practice of Truth is personal to each, and in the long run no one can live our life for us.  To each is given what he needs and the gifts of heaven come alike to all.  How we shall use these gifts is all that matters!  To hold one's thought steadfastly to the constructive, to that which endures, and to the Truth, may not be easy in a rapidly changing world, but to the one who makes the attempt much is guaranteed.

      ~ The Science of Mind

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What Truth Are You Living

The Buddhists have the four noble truths and we have our own version of four noble Truths:
  1. We are Spiritual Beings (and we can awaken to our own divinity)
  2. There is only One Thing, and that One Thing is God (and we can awaken to this Presence)
  3. The Creative Process is always at work, the Law of Cause and Effect (and we can awaken and be in harmony with the Law)
  4. God is good, all the time: 24/7/365 (and we can awaken up and align ourselves with that Good)
The challenge most of us have is in figuring out howcan we remember these Truths more and more each day. We spend a lot of time listening to our mind chatter that keeps us safe and small. When we succumb to fear and live in our cozy comfort zone, we are definitely notremembering these noble Truths.

The first step in remembering these Truths is to become aware when we are not remembering. We can begin to notice when we feel inferior or superior; notice when we need to feel right and someone or something has to be wrong - and best of all, we can notice without judgment. It's just a pattern of thinking that we can change. Let's change our pattern of thinking toward our four noble Truths and see if it doesn't make a huge difference in the joy, happiness, and quality of our life.

And what if "noticing" is half of the journey to enlightenment?

Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
The great and only awakening that can ever come to us is when we become aware of the fact that that which enables us to think, to be conscious, to be creative, is the Mind of God active within us.

      ~ The Magic of the Mind

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Friday, January 16, 2015

Choose Your Own Dreams

Many people live their lives letting others make choices for them and then they wonder why they are dissatisfied in life. They may live their whole lives doing something that someone else wanted them to do (and continue to do it) and continuing to do it, even though the person that they wanted to please may have passed away years ago.

When I was growing up, I don't remember my dad asking me what I wanted to be when I grew up. But I do remember him telling me over and over again what he'd like me to be. It started small: he loved planes and flying so he sent me to Civil Air Patrol, signed me up for ground school and dragged me to the model airport field. That was his dream, and I allowed it to become my dream.  He loved riding bicycles so he took me every week to the Encino Velodrome to watch bicycle racers and we rode our bicycles each Sunday to the park to feed the ducks. That was his dream and I allowed it to be my dream. He loved debating and arguing so he told me over and over again to be a lawyer. That was his dream and I allowed it to be my dream.

And when I didn't become a pilot, a cyclist, or a lawyer, I had feelings that I was a disappointment to him. I pushed myself through college in a major that wasn't my dream long, long after my dad passed away, still allowing his dream to be my dream. And then I repeated that same pattern with my husband. Then one day I realized I was living someone else's life.

How might you be living someone else's dream? How have you set goals and desires based on what someone else wants for you? We all want to make a difference, live fulfilling, prosperous, and joyous lives and we can only do that when we are living our life and making our own choices. We need a clear picture of what we want to experience and how we want to feel. Our future is too important to allow others to choose for us. Let's choose our own dreams and goals and live a life we love.

 Saying "yes" to your own dream moves you into a whole new world of possibilities.

Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
In the Science of Mind, we learn that persistent, constructive thought is the greatest power known and the most effective.  If the visible effect in our lives is not what it should be, if we are unhappy, sick and poverty stricken, we know the remedy.  The Truth is always the remedy, and the Truth is that the law of liberty is the only real law.  When we reverse the process of thought, the effect will be reversed.

      ~ The Science of Mind

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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Time to Rewrite Our Future

God is good! Even in the midst of apparent failure, God is good. Even in the midst of disease or emotional challenge, God is good. Even in the midst of financial turmoil or depression, God is good. And in every moment we have the opportunity to remember that tidbit of Truth and rewrite our future.

We all want to rewrite our future, don't we? And we are rewriting our future right now. The question is, are we writing it from a perspective of our spiritual wholeness or our unhealed past?  What is your future going to look like if you forget who you are and do this year from your past? We want to create a new possibility for our future beginning now.
What is the vision for your life?  What values do you stand for?  What do you want to accomplish?  How big are you willing to be?  How bright are you willing to shine?  What are your dreams? We control our destiny by our thinking, our believing, and our knowing. Let's make 2015 the year we think we are awesome and magnificent, we believe we are awesome and magnificent, and know that we are awesome and magnificent - and let our destiny be fulfilled as we move into our infinite possibilities. 

What makes you come to life? No matter how alluring or beautiful or fancy, do not say YES to other people's dreams.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Will 2015 Be YOUR Year?

Welcome to the New Year! Many of us are filled with anticipation of all the good that this year will bring. And many of us have resolved to make some changes in our lives this year. Yet, it isn't the new year which brings changes, it is our thinking and believing. We can create newness at any moment (even right now). 

With newness comes change and change usuallymeans we need to step up and step out and grow in consciousness. Where do you want to expand in your life? Do you want to be happier or have more vitality? Do you want to have more excitement or more friends? Do you want more clients or opportunities? Do you want to feel free to follow your dream? Or maybe you just want to eliminate the pain you are living with - either physical or emotional. Believing and behaving as you always have will not get you any closer to the life you desire. 

We must change our mind to create new effects. What are we willing to change today? What Truth are we willing to embrace? So many of our struggles and challenges begin with a story we've told ourselves over and over again. It's time to let go of those stories. As we move into 2015, remember that our greater expression lies on the other side of our fears and doubts. Claim your highest good now.

In 2015, may love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips!