After my last blog entered my inbox and I actually read what I wrote, I was shocked and stupefied. I didn’t realize the mixed messages I’ve been putting out. My last blog said this: We get afraid when all we focus on is the outcome and the subtext is don’t focus on the outcome, but focus on smaller steps.
And in another previous blog I say this: It’s more productive to focus on one thing at a time and that subtext is also about not focusing on the outcome, but on smaller steps.
And yet, the Law of Attraction gurus tell us to focus on what we want and even on my Sunday morning talks, I’ll talk endlessly about keeping our focus on our desires.
So which is it? Do we focus on the small steps or do we focus on our desires?
Which expert do we listen to? Is there a ‘one-size-fits-all’ methodology to create the life of our dreams? No wonder we may be confused and confounded when the messages we read and hear aren’t consistent. And when we’re confused, what happens? Probably not much.

You are an expert on YOU!
Would you like to guess where my focus has been most of my life? It has been on the smaller steps and not on the big picture. I mentioned in my last blog, I’m good at starting things and maybe that’s because I have a narrower focus. And yet, the juiciness and joy in those small steps come from the focus of the big picture, the goal, and the gloriousness of our desire. And sometimes I lose out on that juiciness because I forget to reconnect with my vision. And that’s why I have my own coach.
And like so many other choices, perhaps it’s not simply a matter of either/or. Maybe it’s not focus on the outcome or focus on the steps; maybe it’s focus on the outcome and focus on the steps. And sometimes we might need some help getting out of our own way and out of our comfort zone – and that’s where I can help.
If you’d like help in getting unstuck in either/or thinking, click here for a free Breakthough Session
Bottom line, don’t give up your own internal wisdom simply because someone else claims to be an expert. Trust yourself. Believe in yourself. And love yourself enough to change if your current way of thinking and behaving isn’t working out.
CALL TO ACTION: In the next 24 – 48 hours
It's time to say 'yes' to the genius that you are.
Would you like to get crystal clear on what you want to embrace in your life and describe the kind of lifestyle you want to create? Would you like support in discovering how you can use your special gifts and talents to make a difference? Would you like to uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging you? Let’s have a Breakthrough session and we'll finish the call with you feeling renewed, re-energized, and inspired to start your Best Life EVER!
Schedule a complimentary Breakthrough Session
About Janet
Janet Kingsley helps people believe in their own potential and transform their dreams into fulfilling, inspired, and prosperous realities.
Janet also works with business owners and helps them make a bigger impact by reconnecting with their vision and passion and double, triple, or 10X their business without selling their soul or losing their mind.
Janet Kingsley helps people believe in their own potential and transform their dreams into fulfilling, inspired, and prosperous realities.
Janet also works with business owners and helps them make a bigger impact by reconnecting with their vision and passion and double, triple, or 10X their business without selling their soul or losing their mind.