We all know (or most of us do in any case) that old joke about the man on the streets of New York City who asked someone, "How do I get to Carnegie Hall?" The person leaned on a street sign, laughed a little and said, "Practice. Practice is how to get to Carnegie Hall."
We may want to 'get to' a lot of things and places, but we don't

We all have a built-in ability to successfully navigate the twists and turns of life and find our way home - back to center; back to the Presence within; back to our true selves. But we need to learn to be still and listen; we need to learn to be human 'be-ings' instead of human 'do-ings' in the midst of feeling lost or confused or fearful or sad or lonely. We need to tune in and listen to the wisdom of the Divine within.
Are we wise enough to trust that voice which is the voice of the Divine that is whispering to us? Are we wise enough to listen and to follow? Are we wise enough to practice and put our faith in the Infinite Source of all life? Are we wise enough to remember that we never walk alone? Are we wise enough to be true to our own soul? Tune in and listen!
When you tune in and listen, you'll hear rounds of applause, the universe jumping up and down with joy, and dancing in the streets. Yeah!
Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
As our faith grows, through definite and constant practice, it will do more than satisfy simply our needs. It will bring forth that which is Divine within ourselves. It will bring forth hidden talents which have been lying dormant. It will cause us never again to feel insecure, lonely, or separated. For such faith will make us whole.
~ Science of Mind Magazine
About Janet
Janet Kingsley, founder and spiritual leader of Center for Positive Living Sedona has been opening hearts and minds to infinite possibilities since 1998. Through articles, classes, and coaching she opens the heart, intrigues the mind, and feeds the spirit.
Janet is also a "Possibility Coach" who can see beyond your doubts and fears and ask the right questions so you can dive deep into your soul. She is also a master energy healer. Focusing on helping people love their body, love themselves, and love their life, she is creating a movement and changing the world...one person at a time.
Find out more at www.janetkingsley.com
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