Sometimes we love to entertain ourselves, don't we? We love to talk about the "ain't it awfuls," or how things aren't working out for us, or how we are confused, or how we need more money or better relationships or more joy, and how we are struggling in various ways. Yes, we are the stars of our very own horror movie. Of course we know intellectually that happiness is an inside job, but that's not always how we behave.
What if we stop trying to make things happen and
simply allow things to happen once we establish a particular consciousness? When we look in the mirror and we don't like what we see, we don't try and fix the mirror, do we? And yet, that's exactly what we are doing when we look to the external world and try to fix things out there when we don't also work on adjusting what created that thing that needs to be fixed in the first place: namely our consciousness.

We have about 41 days until Thanksgiving. What if we spent time each day for the next 41 days appreciating our talents, being thankful for something that brought us joy, or being present and inspired by something we find beautiful? How might your life be different by Thanksgiving? Think about it. But don't only think - take some action.
I wonder how much your "I LOVE LIFE" meter might increase in just 41 days, not to mention a renewed sense of your awesomeness.
Wisdom from Ernest Holmes
Everything in the universe is a unique individualization or expression of the One Thing, which is the cause of all things. You should become aware that the One Creative Power is expressing in you in a unique way and that it is always pressing against you, seeking a fuller outlet of its infinite possibilities. You do not have to imitate or compete; you are a special creation of God and you have full access to the unlimited potential of Infinite Intelligence.
~ Thoughts are Things
About Janet
Janet Kingsley, founder and spiritual leader of Center for Positive Living Sedona has been opening hearts and minds to infinite possibilities since 1998. Through speaking, articles, classes, and coaching she opens the heart, intrigues the mind, and feeds the spirit.
Janet is also a "Possibility Coach" and master energy healer. Focusing on helping people love their body, love themselves, and love their life, she is creating a movement and changing the person at a time.
Find out more at
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