Friday, June 28, 2013

The Color of Perception

Are we troubled or unhappy because of the things that happen in our lives, or because of our our perception about the things that happen in our lives?  

Some of us find it difficult to be happy. Maybe we've sold out on our dreams, we've followed the rules, we've played it safe, we did what we were told, and we worked hard - yet things didn't work out as we planned.  Has this ever happened to you?  We may look at others who are successful, who haven't followed the rules, who got what we wanted and we declare life isn't fair.  

Ordinary Days - Please display images for better viewing
If even one person can accomplish something; if even one person can remain joyful in the midst of a challenge; if even one person can overcome fear, then we all can.  Maybe the difference is simply a matter of perception.  We don't need to be like the comic strip character Ziggy when he is coming around a corner. Heading toward that corner is a man carrying a sign that says, "Happiness is just around the corner."  Ziggy said, "Gee, I must have missed it."

We don't need to miss out on happiness, joy, gratitude, or peace. How are we spending our days? How much are we able to see the delight and blessings in our day-to-day routine?  And how often do we get distracted because we see what other people are doing or getting and get frustrated, envious, or dissatisfied?  When we're feeling that way, we've lost all touch with our own Divine nature and we've lost touch with the idea that God is Good, all the time:  24/7/365. 

Part of the problem is we have learned our perception patterns from others.  We have learned how to be overly critical; we have learned to feel guilty and “less than” because we’ve made mistakes.  Then Monkey Mind chimes in and says, “This is terrible! I call myself an evolving spiritual being, and yet I do things like this. I certainly hope nobody ever finds out about it!” 

We've all made mistakes.  That is part of being human.

The important thing is our perception regarding the mistake.  

We could own up to it and remember God is everywhere present or we could pretend to be spiritually superior and snub our noses at those who have admitted to making mistakes and try and make sure no one finds out about the mistakes we've made. 

The gift has been given and the Presence of the Divine is with us always.  It is up to us to respond and what an invitation that is!  We can RSVP and step into a greater awareness of all that Life has to offer regardless of our our circumstances.  And that will help move us into our infinite possibilities. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Patching a Leak With Joy

In 1937 architect Frank Lloyd Wright built a house for industrialist Hibbard Johnson. One rainy evening Johnson was entertaining distinguished guests for dinner when the roof began to leak.  The water seeped through directly above Johnson himself, dripping steadily onto his bald head. Irate, he called Wright in Phoenix, Arizona. 

“Frank,” he said, “you built this beautiful house for me and we enjoy it very much. But … the roof leaks, and right now I am with some friends and distinguished guests and it is leaking right on top of my head.” 

There was a pause on the line, and Frank Lloyd Wright reportedly replied: “Well, Hib, why don’t you move your chair?”

If we have no joy in our lives, we have a problem.  The world looks bleak, we find reasons to complain, our energy is low, and we feel separate and apart from our good and our God.  We have a leak somewhere and we need to find a way to deal with it.  

Sometimes we like to point out that we have good reasons not to be joyful; our lives are nothing but problems. We aren't satisfied with our jobs, we don't have enough money, we are lonely, our health isn't good, our car is constantly in the shop for repairs, we haven't had a vacation in years (and on and on it may go.)  

It may be difficult to be joyful when we are struggling with troubles, or overwhelmed by pain, or unsure of our future.  But there’s a problem with THAT approach to life. If we wait till everything to turns out the way we want them to in our live - if we’re not going to be joyful until all the leaks are patched in our lives – then we’re NEVER going to experience joy. Or, if we do have joy, it will be a rare occurrence.

Sometimes we just need to move our focus in a new direction and I’d say the direction we need to move is toward the Divine. We need to move away from the leak.  If we have little or no joy in our lives, it could be due to a feeling of separation between God and us.  It could be because we’ve forgotten who we are.  It could be because we have forgotten there is a Power for Good in the Universe that is always working and always available and we are using it.  It could be because we’ve forgotten we are the darlings of the Divine.

It is time to remember the Truth:  The Power of Joy moves beyond our circumstances.

The Power of Joy helps move us into a state of peace, harmony, goodwill, abundance, dynamic attraction, self-love, vibrancy, and wholeness.  
The Life of God is in us – let’s be joyful.  The Love of God is in us – let’s be joyful.  The Power of God is in us – let’s be joyful.  The music and dance of God is in us, let’s be joyful.  The Laughter of God is in us, let’s be joyful.