Your Monkey Mind might say that you are average. It convinces you not to take a risk. It causes you to doubt your dreams and your abilities. And you listen. And you believe. And you begin to feel average. And you feel like you are nothing special.
You need to cultivate a voice that counters that negative internal mind chatter. You need to listen to the coach inside that reminds you to look up. And here is what the coach inside will tell you.
- Stamp a mental picture on your mind of you succeeding.
- Whenever a negative thought comes into your mind concerning your own personal power, deliberately voice a positive thought to cancel it out.
- Do not be awestruck by other people - comparing yourself with another minimizes the awesomeness of who you are.
- Make an estimate of your own abilities, then raise it by 25% - you are your own worst critic and forget the power of God is within.
- Get a good friend, a coach, or a mentor who will hold you as powerful and courageous and help you keep your vision ABOVE the bar.
AMAZING ACTION PLAN: For the next 24 hours, speak only in positive terms about everything in your life. Speak positively about your job, your health, your relationships, your marriage, and your future. Go out of your way to speak optimistically about everything. The negative and pessimistic way doesn't work-it NEVER did.
After 24 hours, see if you can do this for an entire week. See if you can make a new habit and change to a positive interior. Let me know how it goes.
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