Sunday, April 22, 2012

Traveling the Dream Highway

In the book, Ask and It Is Given, Jerry and Esther Hicks give a wonderful metaphor for how some of us relate to spiritual Principle, which I'm going to paraphrase. When you get in your car and head towards your destination, you know your starting place as well as your ending place. You accept the fact you can't get there instantaneously and allow yourself the time it takes to drive there, knowing that you will ultimately arrive at your destination.

You may feel excitement or even become impatient to get there, however, you don't get so discouraged that you turn around and head home halfway there. And you don't get so afraid that you drive in circles between your starting point and the halfway point until you are so tired and frustrated that you collapse. Nor do you announce to the world your inability to accomplish your journey. You simply accept the distance between your starting place and your destination and you continue to move forward. You understand what is required and you do it.

Yet, when it comes to our lives, we often do those things that seem so silly in the travel metaphor. We have a dream or desire and if the journey takes awhile, we start to get impatient or fearful and head backwards. And we can be very vocal about our inadequacy and our inability to get to our destination and perhaps even blame our history. When we do this, we are not operating in alignment with spiritual Principle.

Even if you are traveling slower than you want, at least you are traveling forward. Celebrate that and move into your own perfect possibilities in a powerful way.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

What Are You Passing On?

I was reading an email this week from a woman named Pamela Bruner who does EFT Tapping (Pamela's Website). She flew into Orlando and after she got off the plane and boarded the shuttle to the terminal, a woman sat down next to her and began to cry. Pamela asked if she needed some help and the woman replied, "My son's come back from Afghanistan for a visit, but I can't go see him! He's in California, and I couldn't get on the plane."

After more conversation, Pamela had uncovered that the woman next to her was afraid to fly so she couldn't get on ANY plane. Pamela explained she had helped lots of people with phobias and may be able to help her so she could get on a plane and see her son. After a few more minutes of conversation, the woman said something that shocked Pamela; she said, "Thank you, but I think I'll pass."

The answer to her prayers was there; it was within reach. The transformation she needed was right in front of her, and yet she said no. How many times do we say 'no?' What's stopping you from your dreams? What will it take to say "yes" to creating your amazing life? What will it take for you to say "yes" to living a life of power, passion, prosperity, and purpose?

There are people all around us who can help us to emerge from fear, worry, doubt, and unhappiness; we need to be open. Maybe the next time someone offers to help or support you, accept the offer and don't pass it up.