A young boy was studying the Bible in Sunday School class and he was very upset by a story in the Old Testament. A man was gathering sticks on the Sabbath and God said through Moses that the man must die for violating the rules of the Sabbath, so the people took him outside the camp and stoned him. When his class got to the New Testament a few Sundays later, the little boy heard the story of the Pharisees coming to Jesus to complain that disciples were picking corn on the Sabbath and God said through Jesus, "The Sabbath was made for man; not man for the Sabbath.'
At that point, the little boy cried out "Boy, God sure
got nicer in his old age, didn't he?" The truth is, God didn't get any nicer! God's Love for us never changes, but the consciousness of humanity shifted because of the presence of Love that Jesus was. And that presence of Love is what we are as well.
And our consciousness is still shifting and growing and expanding. It expands every time we enter into conscious union with Love. Our consciousness expands every time we pray or meditate, every time we forgive someone (including ourselves) every time we are open to gratitude, and every time we turn away from our limiting and false beliefs. The Love of God, or Spirit, is fully available 24/7/365.
If our idea of God, or a Higher Power, isn't one of absolute love, let's commit to changing our mind about that. And that would be a wonderful way to begin 2015.
Remember, there's nothing you need to do first and nothing you need to change about yourself. When you are ready to receive God's Love, it is there!