Sunday, June 24, 2012

Anger Management

Everyone wants to experience joy, happiness, and peace. However, many only seem to be able to experience those positive emotions when something positive is happening in their lives. And since we are unable to control unpleasant things from happening, then we may think we are unable to control our anger, disappointment, annoyance, and judgment.

Many people today are worn-out, tired, frustrated, and living someone else's life. Many people today are boxed in by obligation, duty, and debt. The sheer joy and exhilaration of simply being has been lost - and this loss may lead to anger that we take with us wherever we go. It's time to dump that negative weight and it can be done.

The point isn't to eliminate all anger from our lives, but to learn from it and transmute it from being a problem to being a blessing. Transmute it from being harmful to being helpful in reminding us where we have forgotten our passion and purpose.

Your Powerful Action Plan (below) lists 3 tips to transmute anger into a powerful tool for breakthrough.

1. Become Aware: Always my first step, since without awareness, no changes occur. When do you have aAction Plan tendency to get angry? When you feel de-valued, when you feel powerless, when you feel you aren't being accepted or heard?

2. Communicate (to self and others): Remind yourself anger is normal (abuse is not) and communicate your feelings without placing blame. These are your feelings based on your perceptions and may not be the truth.

3. Redirect (physically and/or mentally): Take a walk, drink some coffee or take yourself out of the situation if possible. Remind yourself of the Truth and what ideas need to be healed.

Let me know how it goes.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Subtle Robbers

Have you ever allowed someone's opinion of your talent to stop you from pursuing a dream? Have you ever allowed someone's opinion or judgment regarding the type of body you should have, the type of job you should have, the type of person you should marry, the type of car you should drive, or the amount of money you should make affect how you view yourself in each of these areas?
If your answer is "yes", then you've been robbed. If you've allowed your self-confidence, your self-worth, or your vision to be diminished, now is the time to reclaim your power. Instead of wishing things were different, or wishing you were wiser, or wishing you could make a new start, it is time to get over your history and make a decision.

Don't let false ideas, opinions, perceptions, or judgments (either your own or anyone else's) rob you of your peace, your focus, or your joy. Isn't it time you judged yourself as worthy and valuable? Isn't it time you judged yourself as successful and fulfilled? Isn't it time you judged yourself as delightful and wonderful just as you are? It is time to do that - and the time is now.